Ethics is one of the fundamental pillars of GAIA Ethical Jewellery. Creating environmentally conscious, sustainable, and ethical jewellery is our main priority, and our customers can rest assured knowing that their beautifully designed jewellery is reliably sourced.
Our four pillars, nature, culture, origin, and ethics are combined in our jewellery and in our policies regarding the ethical nature of our gemstones.
The beauty of our gemstones and diamonds comes from the peace of mind of our customers and the impact they make when they buy a GAIA jewellery piece. We endeavour to make a positive impact on our planet and natural environment, and our customers are sharing in that impact, as well as receiving a beautifully crafted work of art.
GAIA Ethical Jewellery sources its jewellery from all over the world. Our gemstones find their origin in South America, Australia, and Africa, and GAIA ensures that each company that we work with is completely ethical and environmentally friendly.
We fully support sustainable and responsible mining activities from artisans and small-scale and low-impact diggers to ensure that there is minimal disruption to the natural environment.
Some of our gemstones and diamonds come from our relationship with Artouro, a gemstone and diamond company located in Brazil, which has over 30 years of experience in sustainably sourcing precious metals and stones. Artouro shares in our value and belief in ethically and reliably sourcing gemstones, as do all of our partners across the globe.
Our team ensures that our gemstones are fair trade gemstones and materials and can trace all of our stones back to their origin to ensure that only ethical processes were used from mining to when you wear your Gaia jewel.
In order to appreciate and positively impact the planet and the environments we live in, GAIA Ethical Jewellery has developed processes that will allow our company to be as sustainable as possible.
All of our packaging for our jewellery and gemstones is made from recyclable materials, predominantly from recycled paper and cardboard. We work closely with companies such as WestPack to ensure that we use as little waste as possible and are sustainable in our materials for delivering our products to customers.
Giving Back
Each GAIA gemstone generates a positive social and environmental impact within the communities that we work with, from the local and overseas mining and producing companies to the independent jewellers that craft our gemstones and diamonds into stunning wearable pieces.
7% of all of our profits are poured directly back into the community. We donate these profits to World Vision, a non-profit organisation that supports children and adults to grow and learn. Our donations contribute to child protection and assisting children in vulnerable situations, supporting local livelihoods, health, education, and access to fresh water. In particular, we give back to the communities that assist us, including helping social programs and education in Brazil, where some of our gemstones are sourced.